The F A Q Corner

About E-Commerce

  1. Web Hosting
  2. Electronic Catalog Store
  3. Custom Commercial Web Sites
  4. Shopping Cart System
  5. What are CGI scripts?
  6. How do I display a counter?
  1. We specialize in developing business applications that enable customers, vendors and you to conduct your business on the World Wide Web. For an example and demo, click here.
    For more details on setup for Web Hosting, ecommerce, catalog and order processing,  click here
  2. Let us put your product Catalogs on the World Wide Web. These are sophisticated online applications using multimedia presentation, secure data collection and customer order processing. These are built with Customer ease-of-use in mind. They support concepts like 'Shopping Basket' that enable the user to automatically fill an order form while browsing the catalog. Secured Credit Card transactions are supported. In fact a full fledged Cyber Shop. Check out shopping sites Culinary Corners, Utopia Diamonds, South Indian Specialties to name a couple, in order to get a feel for this neat concept.
  3. We create and maintain Commercial Web Sites that help you build sophisticated Client/Server applications. For more details click here.
    These may also be 'mirror sites' for clients who have data warehouses and need to maintain a remote presence on the World Wide Web.
    We provide co-location services for Clients who need to use their own hardware on the Internet backbone.
    For more details send us an Email:
  4. We have developed a totally Java based Shopping Cart System, which uses relational database and provides a true Client/Server computing environment.  This enables you to place your catalog on-line and conduct financial transaction in an secure environment. Leave us a message for more details:
  5. CGI script. The Common Gateway Interface, or CGI, is a standard for external gateway programs to interface with information servers such as HTTP servers. There are some good resources on the Internet, including an archive of free scripts: CGI Links.
  6. CGI Counter. These are programs which enable you to create images on your page, showing the number of visitors accumulative.
    For more information visit this location

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