The F A Q Corner

About e-Mail

  1. Do I need separate e-mail software?
  2. How do I open my e-mail?
  3. Set up of new e-mail account using Outlook/Outlook Express
  4. Access your e-mail account on the Web
  5. How do I check my e-mail from another ISP?
  6. Why am I getting a password error when trying to retrieve e-mail?
  7. What is Spam?
  1. Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Netscape's Navigator and Communicator have built-in e-mail. There is no need to purchase a separate software application. There are some very good third party e-mail software application on the market. (Eudora)
  2. Internet Explorer and Netscape let you open the e-mail in a couple of different ways:
    In Netscape Navigator, you can open e-mail two ways:
    I. In the lower right hand corner, or left side the window, (depending which version of browser you are using) just above the Task Bar, you see a mail envelope icon next to some other icons. Click the envelope icon and the Mail window opens.
    II. On the Menu Bar, click on Windows, click on Netscape Mail
    In Netscape Communicator, you can open your e-mail two ways:
    I. In the lower right hand corner, just above the Task Bar, you see four buttons: (Navigator, Mailbox, Discussion Groups, Composer), click on the Mailbox button and the Mail window opens.
    II. On the Menu Bar, click on Communicator, click on Messenger Mailbox.
    In Internet Explorer 3.0 you can open e-mail two ways:
    I. On the Tool Bar, click on Mail and News Button, then choose the command for the action you want to take.
    II. On the Menu Bar, click on Go, click on Mail
    In Internet Explorer 4.0, you can open your e-mail two ways:
    I. On the Tool Bar, click on the Mail button, the choose the command for the action you want to take.
    II. On the Menu Bar, click on Go, click on Mail.
    In Internet Explorer 4.0, when you choose Mail, Outlook will open up and display the Mail window
  3. Setup of new E-mailaccount, using Outlook Express
    From your ISP (Internet Service Provider) get the following information:
    Your user ID, Your Password, ISP Domain Name, Incoming mail server name, Outgoing mail server name.
    Double click on Outlook Express Icon
    Click on: Tools
    Click on: Accounts
    Click on: Mail Tab
    Click on: Add
    Click on: Mail
    The Internet Connection Wizard will guide you step by step through the setup process. Follow the instructions and fill in the required information in the appropriate text boxes. ( For e-mail service with Asanet, make sure to select POP3 as incoming mail server!!) Choose the Connection Type you want to use. Click on Finish.
    Check your mail.
    Setup of new E-mail account, using Outlook
    From your ISP (Internet Service Provider) get the following information:
    Your user ID, Your Password, ISP Domain Name, Incoming mail server name, Outgoing mail server name.
    Double click on Outlook Icon
    Click on: Tools
    Click on: Services, (make sure the service tab is selected)
    Click on: Add
    Choose: Internet E-mail, Click: OK
    The Mail Account Properties dialog box opens
    There are four tabs across the top, make sure the General tab is active.
    In each of the text fields, fill in the appropriate information.
    Click the Server tab,
    In each of the text fields, type the information supplied by the Internet Service Provider
    Click the Connection tab.
    Choose and click on the radio button which describes your telephone and modem connection.
    Set 'Login As' properly, Click: OK
    Next, go into 'Schedule' and select an interval.
    Leave 'Work Offline and use Remote Mail' unchecked
    Click: OK
  4. Use the link on on the left side of the ASANet Worldwide Web site: Check Email
    Type your user ID, password and e-mail address, then click on: Get Messages.
    Don't forget to Log Out!
  5. Check e-mail. A POP client accesses a mail server in the same way that a web browser accesses any site on the Internet -- and can be accessed from anywhere on the Internet. All you need is your username and password.
    You simply need to configure a POP client just as you now have it configured for accessing your email. In other words, use your ASANet username and password and the same POP server that you are now using.
    If you are working at a Unix work station you can use a utility like popclient, which can be run from the system prompt.
    Example: In Netscape Communicator- Edit-Preferences-Mail&Newsgroups-Mailserver-select e-mail account-Edit-under General: change user ID- click OK
  6. Password error. The username and/or password is not matching with entries found in the password file on the server you are connecting to, or the mail application you are using on your computer.
    Verify that you are using the correct POP server.
    ASANet's servers are case sensitive. Be sure that you are entering your username and password correctly, letter for letter, case for case (abc, not ABC). If problems continue, please contact ASANet Support.
  7. What is Spam?
    Go to this site, where the The Internet Service Providers' Consortium (ISP/C), explains in great detail the perils of spam.
    Here is another site with useful information. For addtitional details on spam, check this site.

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