The F A Q Corner

About Modems

  1. What modem should I use
  2. What different connection can my modem handle
  3. Why does my modem keep dropping connections?
  4. Why am I getting a slower connection than the capability of my modem?
  5. Difference between user ID and Password?
  1. ASANet Worldwide can provide Internet connection to any standard approved internal or external commercial modem.
  2. For any dial-up or basic ISDN connection any standard approved internal or external commercial modem.
    For DSL, dedicated ISDN, Cable or T1 connections, you will need specified equipment
  3. Dropped Connections.There is nothing about the Internet that will cause modem disconnects. But any number of problems can occur between your modem and our network connection.
    Modem brands are not entirely 100% compatible. A modem initialization string that works well for connecting your modem to a USR (US Robotics), for instance, may not work for establishing a problem-free connection to a Hayes. A simple change in the initialization string will often fix that problem.
    Furthermore, some modems (such as certain recent models of the USR Sportster) have bugs. For instance, one version of the Sportster will drop carrier if the connect speed drops below a certain level.
    Port speed also matters. Setting it above the recommended level can cause problems.
    If you have call waiting, be sure that it is disabled.
    There should be no FAX software running in the background, or anything else that might compete for the modem's comm port.
    Check your modem manual for the recommended port speed.
    Check your modem manual for the initialization string that sets your modem to its factory default settings.
    Upgrade to the latest ROM revision.
    Check all cables and connections and be sure that the modem itself is not getting too hot.
    Additional devices on the same line can cause problems. Remove any additional FAX, modem or answering machine.
    Try using MNP error correction, rather than v.42. See your modem manual for details.
    It is possible that low-level noise is present on the telephone lines. Noise need not be audible for it to cause problems with high-speed data transmission.
    Make sure call waiting is turned off.
  4. Slower connection.In all likelihood, your neighborhood still has copper wiring, which is being supplied by Verizon.
    V.54 or V.92 modems connect at the best speed they can obtain under present line conditions. Telephone companies do not guarantee that high speed modems will connect at the maximum rate. In fact, it has been said that only 30% of the country's households have access to phone lines capable of carrying 28.8 traffic -- 5% at 33.6.
    It is also possible that your modem is not configured properly. Check your modem manual for the correct initialization string and port speed. Read paragraph 3 for additional information.
  5. A User ID identifies you to the ASANet Worldwide network as a legitimate and active account. User ID can be any combination of letters, numbers or symbols. User ID is also used with your e-mail account for identification purposes. A e-mail address usually consists of the following sequence: Be aware, No Spaces!!
    Passwords can consist of letters and numbers. Since only you will know the password, set it up in such a way so it will be easy for you to remember.

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